Tuesday, November 14, 2006


A state of mind which each and every individual would have gone thru, atleast once in a week......

When u have nothing to do, When u r alone;
When the rain pours and u dont hav ny1 to play with,
When u lie awake in da middle of the night and there is no1 to talk with;
When ur heart feels like splitting, and the one who shuld mend it , just ignores....

All these does not directly lead to boredom, these all r the causes of Extreme Depression, which will finally lead to boredom. Hw can a person gt out of it.... Go divine??? Being spiritual... Have a spiritual rebirth.... Keep thinking, thnk thnk thnk.... The state of mind becomes stable and finally your brain cells will discard boredom by themselves...

I dunno y i wrote this post..... may be i will delete it by the afternoon :-)